Exploring Themes in The Noble Quran: The Day of Recompense

Assalam-O-Alikum (May Peace and Blessings be Upon You)

In the Name of Allah—the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful

Sovereign of the Day of Recompense. [1:4]

Surah Al-Fatiha: The Essence of the Quran

In this blog, we delve into verse #4 of Surah Al-Fatiha, where Allah (s.w.t) introduces one of the central themes of the Quran: the belief in the Day of Judgment. Allah, the Lord of Majesty and Generosity, is the Master of the Kingdom and has bestowed upon us the knowledge of this impending Day. He urges us to be just in our daily affairs, as He is As-Salam (The Perfection and Giver of Peace).

And Blessed is the One to Whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and everything in between! With Him, alone is the knowledge of the Hour. And to Him, you will ˹all˺ be returned. [43:38]

We shall be held accountable on that Day, so it is crucial to uphold justice in our everyday dealings. Remember that nothing escapes Allah's watchful gaze, for He is Ar-Raqeeb (The Watchful), Al-Qadir (The Capable), and Al-Muqtadir (The Omnipotent), making the resurrection on that Day a simple matter for Him. He is Al-Aleem (The All-Knowing, The Omniscient), and His patience knows no bounds, for He is also As-Saboor (The Forbearing, The Patient). Doubt not His Authority and Justice.

So We instructed, “Strike the dead body with a piece of the cow.” This is how easily Allah brings the dead to life, showing you His signs so that you may understand. [2:73]

Say, “Our Lord will gather us together, then He will judge between us with the truth. For He is the All-Knowing Judge.” [34:26]

Even if Allah is AD-Dharr (The Distresser), He is also An-Nafi (The Propitious, the Benefactor). Trust in Him, for He is As-Salam (The Perfection and Giver of Peace). He will rectify any loss or harm you have endured and will never act unjustly.

... Allah will judge between them ˹all˺ on Judgment Day. Surely Allah is a Witness over all things. [22:17]

Whoever does good, is to their own benefit. And whoever does evil, it is to their own loss. Your Lord is never unjust to His creation. [41:46]

And whoever endures patiently and forgives—surely this is a resolve to aspire to. [42:43]

The Promise of Truth

The promise of Allah is true. The Day of Judgment will unquestionably arrive, although some may doubt it.

The Hour is certainly coming, there is no doubt about it. But most people do not believe. [40:59]

The Hour is sure to come. My Will is to keep it hidden, so that every soul may be rewarded according to their efforts. So do not let those who disbelieve in it and follow their desires distract you from it, or you will be doomed.’” [20:(15-16)]

The Scientific Perspective on the Day of Judgment, Heaven, and Hell

Surely those who reject Our signs, We will cast them into the Fire. Whenever their skin is burnt completely, We will replace it so they will constantly taste the punishment. Indeed, Allah is Almighty, All-Wise. [4:56]

Verse #56 of Surah Nissa succinctly illustrates the findings of experts in 'Pain Sensitivity.' It highlights the significance of the skin in this context, serving as evidence for the existence of Hell. And where there is Hell, there must also be Heaven, for Allah's Mercy surpasses His Anger. This verse reinforces the reality of both Heaven and Hell.

... We will certainly drag him by the forelock- a lying, sinful forelock (96: 15-16)

Modern scientific research into the brain's functioning during deception supports the Quran's accuracy. It reveals that the cingulate gyrus, located above the forehead, plays a crucial role in deception. Disabling this area diminishes one's ability to deceive, aligning with Quranic teachings.

Allah's warning is a manifestation of His love for His creation. The verses mentioned (4:56 and 96:15-16) serve as compelling reminders of the Day of Judgment, affirming the truth of Allah's Words, Actions, Rewards, Punishments, and Promises. Allah-Ho-Akbar! (Allah is the Greatest).

By Wasiq Maqsood Shah


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