How to Save Marriage: Insights from the Quran

Marriage, known as *Shadi* in many cultures, is much more than a legal or physical contract. In Islam, marriage is a sacred covenant that creates a lifelong bond between two individuals, bringing love, peace, and mutual respect into their lives. This blog discusses how to preserve and strengthen a marriage using principles from the Quran, particularly drawing from Surah Al Imran (3:64-65), and highlights key aspects that help build a strong foundation for marital relationships.

1. **Marriage: Not Just a Physical Contract**

While sexual relations are a natural part of marriage, they are not the sole purpose. The Quran teaches that marriage is meant to foster a loving, peaceful, and respectful partnership. Sexual intimacy should be enjoyed within the bounds of marriage, as it is important for the happiness and well-being of both spouses. However, the essence of marriage extends far beyond this physical aspect, involving emotional and spiritual connection as well.

In Surah Al Imran, Allah provides guidance on mutual understanding and unity, which is key to building a successful marriage:

> **"Say: O People of the Scripture! Come to a word that is equitable between us and you: that we worship none but Allah, and that we associate no partners with Him, and that none of us shall take others as lords besides Allah."**  

> *(Quran 3:64)*

This verse reminds us that marriage should be built on mutual respect, with both spouses working together in harmony. Just as this verse calls for common understanding, in marriage, the couple must come together with mutual respect and common goals, with Allah as the central focus.

2. **Marriage is Muhabbat (Love), Not Insult**

The core of a successful marriage is *Muhabbat* (love). Love should be accompanied by honor, dignity, and respect for one another. Love that insults or belittles is not true love but a distortion. Insulting, belittling, or undermining your spouse destroys the foundation of the marriage. Respect strengthens love and preserves the peace within the marriage.

In Surah Al Imran, verse 65, Allah discourages unnecessary argument and discord:

> **"O People of the Scripture, why do you argue about Abraham, while the Torah and the Gospel were not revealed until after him? Will you not then reason?"**  

> *(Quran 3:65)*

This verse can be applied to the marital relationship as well: avoiding arguments and unnecessary disputes, and instead using wisdom, patience, and kindness when addressing differences, helps strengthen love and mutual respect.

3. **Marriage: A Source of Peace, Not Insult**

One of the key purposes of marriage, according to the Quran, is to bring peace (*Sakoon*) into the lives of both spouses. A peaceful marriage is one where spouses support and care for each other, not tear each other down with insults or harsh words. A home built on love, respect, and understanding becomes a refuge of tranquility.

Marriage is not meant to be a burden or a source of conflict. Instead, it is a blessing, where both partners contribute to creating a serene environment. 

> **“And among His signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that you may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your hearts.”**  

> *(Quran 30:21)*

This verse underscores the divine intent behind marriage: a source of love, mercy, and peace. It reminds us that marriage is not meant to be a source of emotional or psychological pain but a sanctuary where both partners can find comfort and solace.

4. **Marriage: A Contract with Allah for a Peaceful Life**

In Islam, marriage is seen as a sacred contract not only between the spouses but also with Allah. This contract is based on mutual rights and responsibilities, emphasizing respect, cooperation, and understanding. When spouses treat their marriage as a sacred commitment, they are fulfilling their obligation to Allah.

The points discussed in the Quran, including those in Surah Al Imran (3:64-65), are in favor of marriage, guiding spouses to honor and respect their marital bond, and ensuring that this covenant with Allah is upheld. These verses promote a life of peace, understanding, and harmony—qualities that are essential for a successful marriage.


Marriage, in the light of the Quran, is far more than a legal agreement or physical relationship. It is a sacred bond designed to bring peace, love, and respect into the lives of the spouses. The Quran provides clear guidance on how to foster a successful marriage, emphasizing mutual respect, love, and the avoidance of insults or arguments.

By treating marriage as a contract with Allah, aimed at creating a peaceful life, couples can navigate challenges and strengthen their bond. Ultimately, by following the principles of love, respect, and peace as prescribed in the Quran, couples can save and nurture their marriages, turning them into a source of happiness and contentment for both partners.

May Allah bless all marriages with love, respect, and peace. Ameen! Ameen! Ameen!


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